Friday, December 7, 2012

Taylor Swift for Cosmopolitan UK January 2013

On relationships: “How to make them last. I’ve never had a really long relationship, so I have no idea what that’s like. Wish me luck for the future!”

On love: “I don’t know. I think that idea of love I hope for is that you learn a lesson and you don’t have to learn it twice. But the song I Knew You Were Trouble is about when I knowingly made the same mistake twice. I couldn’t resist it – there’s that temptation to push yourself into a risky situation with someone who is going to hurt you, and that’s what that song is about: not trusting your own instincts and ignoring all the red flags.”

On if her exes have contacted her about her songs: “Yes. Only the vocal ones though. The ones that love the sound of their own voice, whether it be an email or text message… or barrage of text messages. But it’s only happened a few times with the ones that really were choice human beings. The thing is, they’re just guessing that the song is about them. I put details in my songs but never first and last names, and I definitely don’t include social-security numbers!”

On public appearances: “Yeah, I have really nervous moments. I get overwhelmed and intimidated by the idea of putting on a performance on TV – and I get nervous before releasing a new album.”

Credit @ Cosmopolitan UK

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